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Why Cancer is So Hard to Cure | The Basics and Future Treatments

Jul 28,2023 | YILING

   Why cancer is so hard to cure? Why there is still no drug or any procedure to get rid of it? Everything is explained in this article.


The Very Basics of Cancer:

   Cancer, this word has been included in the most horrifying and unsolved mysteries of humankind and still haunts the entire medical industry and common people. Even with the advancements in tech, cancer remains a complex and multifaceted disease that can arise in various parts of the body. So how it happens? Cancer is a name given to certain cells within the body that begin to grow and divide uncontrollably. This forms a mass of abnormal tissue known as a tumor or cancer.


   This development of a tumor involves a series of distinct stages that occurs when a normal cell undergoes genetic mutations in itself. This causes transforming them into cancerous cells from one cell to millions. The first stage of this development is initiation, where a normal cell acquires a genetic mutation in its DNA. The mutation in normal cells can be triggered by various factors such as exposure to carcinogens like radiation, chemicals, or certain viruses. Although the cell may still function relatively normally at this point, the alteration in its genetic material sets the stage for further changes leading to further complications in the body. 


But Why Cancer is so Hard to Cure?

The problem of cancer and its reasons are so much complex and interlinked that solving it is even harder than just understanding it. but here are the most relevant things when it comes to cancer cure:


So, why cancer is so hard to cure? first, cancer is not a single disease but represents a collection of numerous diseases which can exist in various organs, parts of organs, and tissues of our bodies, collectively or apart. Each type of cancer known to us can have distinct characteristics and can respond differently to treatments. Each type also has a unique genetic profile and causes of the mutations. This heterogeneity makes it difficult to develop a one-size-fits-all approach to cure cancer making the solution keeping unsolved. 


   Another issue is that cancer cells gain a remarkable ability to adapt and become resistant to treatments that we know to treat cancer cells. This super resistance can develop against all forms of treatment including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapies, & immunotherapies. As a result, even if you are spending thousands of dollars on treatments that will initially work well, these resilient cancer cells may eventually evolve to evade these therapies which make the cure hard. 


Also, cancer can spread from metastases in distant organs which is also a significant hurdle in curing cancer. Once cancer has metastasized, it becomes much more challenging to eradicate all cancer cells from our bodies. This problem becomes more serious if these cells may be hidden in remote parts of our bodies further complicating the situation. 


Another big issue here is that there are no symptoms during its early stages until it reaches an advanced stage. Late diagnosis can limit treatment options and decrease the likelihood of successful treatment outcomes. Some cancer types may not have well-defined molecular targets or identifiable driver mutations that can be effectively targeted by existing therapies. Without clear targets, developing tailored treatments becomes challenging. The development and testing of new cancer treatments involve rigorous clinical trials, which can be time-consuming and come with ethical considerations related to patient safety and well-being.



So now you know why cancer is so hard to cure? Yes, it is. Despite these challenges which we just mentioned above there is still some significant progress that has been made in cancer research and treatment over the years. Advances in precision medicine, immunotherapy, targeted therapies, and early detection methods are gradually improving outcomes for many cancer patients. One such advancement can be found in Yangzheng Xiaoji Capsules which have shown significant results in tumor angiogenesis and metastasis, and improve the quality of life of patients with advanced cancer.


Collaborative efforts among researchers, healthcare professionals, and organizations worldwide are essential in the ongoing quest to better understand cancer biology and develop more effective, personalized treatments to increase the chances of curing or managing cancer successfully. We recommend checking your daily diet, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating habits, and always keeping a schedule for the full body check

